Storytelling Workshop Resources

Join Our Weekly Meetings through Zoom:

Meeting ID: 955 8592 8235
Passcode: 783623-download the Zoom app here

-Zoom getting started guide for beginners

-Zoom video joining a Zoom meeting video guide

-A few tips about creating a welcoming environment and accessibility on Zoom

Learn More: Writing Your Story Script

-Check out this resource guide from the Re•Vision Centre in Guelph, Ontario, Canada for more ideas about writing your script and more (also see links below)

-Check out our storytelling prompts written for this workshop

Join and Use WeVideo

-Follow the instructions here to join and set up WeVideo

-Check out this tutorial on editing in WeVideo

-Learn how to record your VoiceOver, and add music and sound

-Learn about working with images

-Find other open access and inclusive images here

-Learn how to caption your video to make it accessible

-There are also a number of resources on the Wevideo site including this one, Getting Started with WeVideo