Autistic, Surviving and Thriving Under COVID-19
A Zine Exhibit at Tangled Art + Disability Gallery September 9-October 21, 2022
In the early days of COVID-19, the Re•Storying Autism Arts Collective held an eight-week virtual workshop on digital zine-making with Autistic makers from across Canada fuelled by a desire for Autistic futures where neurodivergent voices re-shape the world in radically affirming ways.
Content Note: The zines presented below reflect a full range of experiences from celebration, connection, and joy, to pain. We invite you to practice what we call a care-full neuro-crip reading —reading slowly, skipping over pages, having a comfort item close by, reaching out to someone you trust, stimming or something else that makes you feel good. You can also write to us about your experience of the zine exhibit at the end of this page.
Click on the zine images on the left below to view the zines. Click on the zine images on the right below to read image descriptions of the zines.
Lucabean, Untitled. Digital printing on paper. 2 pages, 8.5 inches by 11 inches. 2020
Downloadable pdf of image description of Lucabean, Untitled.
Venus Underhill, Autistic Unmasking in the Time of Covid-19. Screen printing and digital printing on paper and vellum, hand saddle-stitched. 20 pages, 8.5 by 11 inches. 2020-21.
Downloadable pdf of image description of Venus Underhill Unmasking in the time of Covid 19
Jennifer Fehr, Autism in Metaphors. Digital printing on paper, staple bound. 8 pages, 8.5 inches by 11 inches. 2020.
Downloadable pdf of image description of Autism in Metaphors by Jennifer Fehr
Anonymous, Atypical. Digital printing on paper, clip bound. 6 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches. 2020.
Downloadable pdf of image description of Anonymous, Atypical
Hannah Monroe, Coping with Loneliness During Quarantine. Digital printing on paper. 8 pages, 8.5 inches by 11 inches. 2020.
Downloadable pdf of image description of Coping with Loneliness in Quarantine
Mandy Klein, AUTISM/COVID. Accordion book, archival digital printing on cardstock. 8 inches by 6 inches. 2020-2021.
Downloadable pdf of image description of Mandy Klein, AUTISM/COVID. Accordion book.
Em Farquhar-Barrie, Where Did Everyone Go? Screen printed and digital printing on paper, staple bound. 12 pages, 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches. 2020-21.
Downloadable pfd of image description of Where Did Everyone Go? by Em Farquhar-Barrie
Emily Gillespie, Covid Bubbles and The Accessible Revolution. Digital printing on paper, staple bound. 12 pages, 8.5 inches by 11 inches. 2020-21
Downloadable pdf of image description of Covid Bubbles and the Accessible Revolution
Rose Bisk, Untitled. Digital printing on paper. 3 pages, 8.5 inches by 11 inches. 2020.
Downloadable pdf of image description of Untitled by Rose Bisk.
Jesse Star, re-gifted. Digital printing on paper, staple bound. 20 pages, 8.5 by 11 inches. 2020. Content note: Some of the content (bullying, homicide, homophobia) may be distressing.
Downloadable pdf of image description of Jesse Star re-gifted
Chris Pappas, COVID-19: The Bad, The Good, and The Heroic. Digital printing on paper. 4 pages, 8.5 inches by 11 inches. 2020.
Downloadable pdf of image description of Chris Pappas, COVID-19: The Bad, The Good, and The Heroic.
Contact us.
(204) 727-8164
270 18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba R7A 6A9