Tired of Spinning Plates Story Writing Prompts

Choose one story writing prompt that most speaks to you and free write (write whatever comes to mind) for 10 minutes.

Think about a moment when

Caring brings you joy ...

Someone cared for you ...

Services supported you well ...

You felt confident in your caring role ...

Caring brings you down ...

You've been unsupported as a carer ... 

Services have let you down ...

You felt less confident in your caring role ...

You felt overwhelmed…

You experienced a turning point…

You thought of the future…

Or a moment that isn’t in this list…

Other Story Writing Prompts to Try

Choose one story writing prompt that most speaks to you and free write (write whatever comes to mind) for 10 minutes.

You’d never believe me...

I dream...


What makes me angry is...

What I mean by...

What if I knew...

What I need to remember.../What you need to remember


They told me...

I told myself

What I understand now.../If I only knew then

I’ve learnt...

(These prompts were written and shared by Julia Gruson-Wood at our 2019 Re•Storying Autism storytelling workshop)

Or these story writing prompts…

Think about a moment

- when you had to ask for help / care from someone

- when you had to face the reality of services

- when you felt at peace

- as a carer you had to advocate for or help your loved one

- when you took control of your own situation

(These prompts were adapted from prompts shared by Sara Wilde from The Story Centre)