
Untitled by Estee Klar (AD)

Audio Description Transcript of Untitled - A Video by Estee Klaar

Audio Describer:

This is a one minute introduction for Estee Klar's untitled film. This introduction will describe the majority of the visuals of the short film. During the film I will use a word or two to indicate changes in new visuals when they're not expressed through the films’ narrative. This film, featuring a mother and child is a dense combination of black and white line drawings and colourful illustrations, often of a woman with black hair and glasses, words and phrases typed on an iPad, and self-filmed video footage of a mother and son from infancy to around age 10. When there is text on screen I will say the word ‘text’ or ‘iPad text’, then read the text. Please note that the describer has abridged the text due to time constraints. A reading of a selection of the unabridged on-screen text will follow the film. The filmmaker narrates the film.

Closed captions appear. Rhythmic breathing. From blackness, the drawing of a profile of a woman with short black hair and thick rimmed glasses. Letters of the alphabet blow out from her mouth in a swirling cloud. The view pulses in time with breathing. iPad text: good thinking is feeling through a lot like a body that is always moving. Video of a child typing on an iPad and adult grips his shoulder. Watercolor sketch of the child in a white, short rim, stiff-sided bolero hat. iPad text: I can't always assemble my thoughts as you would like. Yellow poster board discussing the art of Jackson Pollock. Three examples of splatter paint-like art. Handwritten text: disabled people are not coveted amongst quality people who grace our society. Black screen. Video of baby being shown books.

A child types on his iPad beside his mother. iPad text: words are full force and ask me to speak when I can’t.

A drawing of the mother. A speech bubble says: he must do an oral presentation or… he can’t take English.

End credits appear: Text by Adam Wolfond and Estée Klar. Film footage: Estée Klar. Doctoral Researcher, Critical Disability Studies, Department of Health Policy and Management, York University. Esteeklar.com.

Thank you: Dr. Patty Douglas, Dr. Carla Rice, Georgia Simms, Sara Wilde, Liz Jackson, Liz Brockest, Michelle Peek.

Project Re•vision logo. White capitals on black background. Typographical bullet between re and vision. Red background, white mind map, Project Re•vision circled from the circle arrows and dotted lines connect various words.

Enacting Critical Disability Communities in Education. Patty Douglas, PhD. pattydouglas@gmail.com.

I will now read some of the text in the film. Text on screen: I am happy with a body that communicates. I must be strong-hearted but it is hard because people want a calm good, like some obedient boy. Sketchpad text: (quote) disabled people supposedly cannot intend to make art. Disabled people are not coveted among quality people who grace our society (end quote). A portrait of the mother surrounded by handwriting: (quote) the mother is also a vexed figure in the disability community. iPad text: my body feels like a pulsating form of paint and I can't always assemble my thoughts as you would like. (Quote) good thinking is feeling through a lot like a body that is always moving, and what I am really talking about is our relationship to each other. Has the good body a way to feel without another body (end Quote). (Quote) words are important but they slap me in the face like the hard force of a train. Words are full force and ask me to speak when I can't (end quote).


Untitled by Estee Klar (captioned)


Colour Outside the Lines (captioned)