Colour Outside the Lines (captioned)
A Video by Jan Hasite
Narrated by Jan Hastie
This film shares video clips of the filmmaker’s daughter, Brisharne, making art. Brisharne’s abstract colourful paintings are also part of the film. Brisharne’s art is full of movement, bold strokes and objects such as clocks and buttons. Brisharn is an autistic Maori artist with brown eyes and short brown hair.
I want you to know that art is not all about colouring inside the lines. It’s about colouring outside the lines.
I want you to know that you can pour paint. You can throw it onto a canvas.
I want you to know that you can add water. And that you can do art all by yourself, or you can share it.
I want you to know that you can have exhibitions that can use objects. You can pour paint on them. You can just use bright colours. You can have them mix on the canvas and they can wrestle amongst the different colours and the different types of media that you use.
And I want you to know that people know who Bricharne is. They know that she’s an artist.
I want you to know that she has won awards, that artists from all around the world have admired her work.
I want you to know that creating art is her freedom. It’s the way she speaks to the world when she can’t speak for herself.
I want you to know that brown can be art. Colouring the canvas and just covering it with one colour is art. Pushing the paint around the canvas, picking it up, putting it onto another piece and using water.
It’s about the process not the product. It is an innate ability that has been born with her. To see things differently, to do things differently. From small things, to very big pieces of canvas. Painting, glueing, it’s all part of the process. Painting outside of the lines. Colouring outside of the lines.
I want you to know, Bricharne also loves sunflowers.