Re•Storying Autism
Re•Storying Autism in Education is a multimedia storytelling project that brings together Autistic people, family members, practitioners, educators and artists to rethink practice in ways that desire the difference of Autism.

Project Goals
Goal One
To create new knowledge by centring the experiences and desires
of Autistic people and their/our supporters.
Goal Two
To centre disability justice and the knowledge of Black, Indigenous and other people of colour .
Goal Three
To create accessible multimedia story making approaches and decolonize research and stories of Autism.
Goal Four
To challenge deficit understandings of Autism and create affirmative practices grounded in research for educators, allied practitioners and leaders.
Goal Five
To provide research mentorship and arts-based training opportunities for Autistic, neurodivergent and other students, artists and community members.
About Patty Douglas
“I want to intervene in systems that exclude and do violence to difference. That’s why I am doing this project.”